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Стоматология C.D. Clinic


Veneers Фото 1

Dental veneers are thin ceramic or composite plates fixed on the outer surface of the teeth.

Veneers can not guarantee a full denture, but they perfectly eliminate the following defects:

— erasure and curvature of the teeth;

— chipped teeth;

— stains on the enamel, which do not amenable to conventional whitening techniques;

— yellowness of teeth;

— darkened from time seals;

— increased gaps between the teeth.

Materials from which veneers are made:

— composite;

— Ceramic;

— zirconium.

Contraindications to the installation of veneers:

— bruxism (a disease characterized by periodic clenching and gnashing of teeth during sleep);

— teeth were not cut enough;

— incorrect bite;

— the presence of periodontitis, periodontitis or gingivitis (need to undergo a certain course of treatment);

— presence of complicated caries;

— thin tooth enamel, which leads to periodic clefts in large areas;

— excessive fragility of teeth;

— the presence of a large seal.

Production of veneers.

Depending on the manufacturing method and the material, the veneers can be divided into two groups: therapeutic composites and orthopedic ceramics.

The first are made literally in the patient’s mouth. The tooth is grinded to the desired thickness, after which the dental surface layer is formed by veneer. Finish the procedure of grinding and polishing.

Installation of ceramic linings will require several visits to the doctor. First, a tooth is prepared for the veneer, then make a cast, in which the plates are made from ceramics and polished with special equipment in the dental laboratory. After these procedures, the veneer fixes on the tooth surface.

Veneers Фото 3