Surgical Dentistry
Стоматологія С.D.Clinic » Surgical Dentistry
Basic surgical procedures in dentistry:
- procedures aimed at preserving the teeth:
- treatment of flux (periostitis) — inflammatory process of the periosteum;
- complete or partial removal of teeth, as well as wisdom teeth:
- various periodontal operations:
- plastic of the shortened frenulum of the tongue:
- splinting (pathological flaccidity or mobility of the dentition or single teeth):
- plastic of the shortened frenulum of the lip:
- use of implantation and associated with this procedure, osteoplastic and reconstructive interventions.
The main indications for the removal of teeth:
- destruction of the crown or subgingival part of the tooth, in which it is impossible to keep the tooth either by installing the seal or using orthopedics;
- Dystopic teeth (teeth that are not in their place);
- the tilt of the teeth or their extension, which interfere with prosthetics;
- fracture of the root of the tooth;
- difficulty access for treatment;
- impossibility or lack of root canal treatment;
- Periodontitis of severe degree.
Contraindications to the removal of teeth:
- recent myocardial infarction;
- acute viral respiratory infections (conditionally);
- stomatitis and other infections in the oral cavity (conditionally).
- mental illness in the acute stage.
Follow the doctor’s advice.
- After the removal of the tooth, try to refrain from eating for two hours, and try not to take hot food during the day.
- try not to take hot baths;
- brush your teeth the next day after the removal of the tooth;
- Try not to touch the hole with your tongue or, anyway, with any other objects.